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College Trillionaires: Market Recap - March 16, 2009


Market Recap - March 16, 2009

The markets edged slightly lower today, ending a four-day rally that began last week. The Dow Jones industrial average fell 7.01 points (-.10%) and the S&P 500 dropped 2.66 points (-.35%).

Stocks continued their gains today until the Dow was up 169 points. After reaching this level investors steadily sold off, taking gains until the indexes closed in negative territory. The profit taking was a part of normal market behavior, analysts said.

American International Group paid out an estimated $165 million in bonuses last Friday to top executives. These extra payments came after taxpayers have given the company $170 billion in bailouts since September of 2008. President Obama asked, “How do they justify this outrage to the taxpayers who are keeping the company afloat?”

Even though the markets ended the day lower than they began, we witnessed a good sign in the form of investor optimism this morning. Traders weren’t given much in the form of news today, yet stocks still rose until the afternoon. Confidence is key in the process of discovering a bottom.


-Matt Schwartz

College Trillionaire

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